Last Quarter – Hit the Home Run!

Write & Grow Rich Workbook Cover (1)

So the summer is virtually over and the kids/college and University students everywhere have returned back to school to start a new season in their lives. In as much as this is their reality, we share a common experience of starting a new Autumn season as we wrap up the year with the last quarter of 2014.

This is the time to dig in your heels, roll up your sleeves and ensure that you score the winning goal to make this year a success! You still have time but you have to act now. Here are 3 tips that will help you towards achieving this:

1-    Stay in your lane and stay true to your goals. Revisit your goals constantly. What you focus on becomes the strongest. Keep working towards your goals daily to achieve them.

2-    Stay away from perfection. ‘Done’ is better than a perfect ‘intention to do’. Perfectionism has a twin sister called Procrastination – I call them the terrible P’s. Start before you are ready or else you will never start because you will never be fully ready.

3-    Stay away from Pride. Don’t be too proud to ask for help. Network and take the time and effort to find out what you need to learn in order to achieve your goals. Get a coach or mentor, join a mastermind group to keep yourself accountable. I recently became a founding member and facilitator of a group called Action Mastermind Alliance, and we are on fire to ensure that everyone achieves their goals, providing support, ideas, solutions, objective critique, challenges to dream bigger, and an environment to grow and celebrate each other’s successes.

One of my big goals as an author this year was to establish my Publishing Consultancy (click here for more information), following the growing interest in people approaching me to help them with writing and publishing their own books. I must say that I have proudly achieved this goal, and the first batch of summer enrolment clients are completing their manuscripts end of this month, ready to tidy up and get published! This is a 90-day Book-publishing Program called “Write and Grow Rich” with an aim to: ♦Generate extra Income ♦Gain instant credibility ♦Become an Authority ♦Increase visibility ♦and leave a Legacy. It is an absolute joy to be able to help someone else to get published, and I believe there is a book inside each one of us. Next year, my goal is to hit the best-seller’s list with my book.

We are currently enrolling for our Autumn intake, so if writing a book has been a distant dream on the shelf for you, send me an email to join the “Write and Grow Rich” Program. This can be conducted online as well, so it doesn’t matter what part of the world you are. Feel free to send this email and information to anyone whom you think might benefit from this exciting program with tangible results. Until then, wishing you a victorious end to 2014!

Make it awesome

To your success!

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Hello! I'm Epi Mabika, a book coach for aspiring authors & start-up entrepreneurs who want to establish their credibility to attract dream clients and build their Publishing Empire.