T Singh
T Singh

Epi's story was the backbone to this brilliantly written book which has inspired me and helped me define my own core values in life.

Michelle Hill
Michelle Hill

I was captivated by the first word, and was held captive until the very last. Epi succinctly and energetically defines the keys to a successful, fulfilled, giving-oriented life with refreshing emotional intelligence, thoughtful research, and the enduring social value of a life well lived.

Daniel Manyanga
Daniel Manyanga

Big thanks to Epi Mabika, for excellent, first class publishing consultancy service. You made my load light and bearable by your guidance. My book is an unquestionable evidence of Success Gravity. THANK YOU!

Langa Lloyd
Langa Lloyd

I started re-evaluating the way I do my business deals and my day to day running of my life. Can't wait for more inspiring work from Epi.

Carol Manyika
Carol Manyika

Some time ago I was trying to figure out how to plan a book launch for my book 'The Shells that Shaped my Life'. I spoke to someone who referred me to Epi. People are not always forthcoming with information, more so if you are not a client already so I was surprised when she took my call and proceeded to talk me through what I needed to do, she burst some bubbles for sure as I had some pre-conceived ideas on how I wanted to do the event. I took notes and am now in the process of planning my book launch for 2015.

I really appreciated Epi's candor and depth of knowledge. The notes from that one conversation are the
framework for all the planning I will soon be effecting for what I know will be the first of a series
of very successful book launches. Actually it might invade my other events as well. Thanks Epi.

Tasara Nyaguyo
Tasara Nyaguyo

Thought provoking and challenging. Simple truths explained in everyday language.

Agnes Majore
Agnes Majore

Thank you Epi Mabika for empowering us.

Lynette Roberts
Lynette Roberts

I found Success Gravity well structured, honest and stretching. Epi gives practical, realistic and manageable steps to gravitating towards Success. It's a basic force of nature however it's a very powerful force.

Emily Mapfuwa
Emily Mapfuwa

Epi helped guide me with goal setting and consistently keeping focused! As a result I 've accomplished much more than I expected in a matter of months... Yes months!!!

Annalene Angel
Annalene Angel

I have just had an amazing consultation with Epi Mabika, oh wow. Before I spoke to her I was feeling clueless about how to bring the things I need to do together and soon after we finished it was like a light was just turned on inside me. She made things clearer for me and made me realise that if I am asking the questions I am asking her, then I am ready to take the next step into making myself a success in my area. Thank you Epi for your mentorship and I recommend anyone who needs a mentor and coach to book her and also attend her speaking engagements. Buy her book! It's not only a good must read but if you are serious about changing your life and finding that next step in whatever you want to do then you need to get a copy. Success all the way!

Alan Jere
Alan Jere

All I can say is if you have any questions with regards to how to change your perspective on life on success on money on spiritual matters, Epi is the person to book.

Liz Chim
Liz Chim

My AHA moment was Time Management. This got me thinking and now I no longer look at time the same - "Anything else can be recycled, not time". Life happens to everyone and at times our mistakes are our stepping-stone. Epi does provide the tools to help re-navigate life for those who need a second chance. She has already done 10 years of work so you don't have to do it, but apply what is already provided to start that life of success you have always dreamed of.

Janine Binns
Janine Binns

I found the coaching session with Epi to be eye opening, enlightening and refreshing. She has such a calm and professional manner, and I found it very easy relate to her and decipher exactly what I needed.
Epi is a natural business coach, and very passionate about what she does. Authentic is a word I would use to describe my session with her, it did not come across false or rehearsed. I felt able to be myself whilst talking, and I felt listened to.
For me this is very important- being listened to, and finding my voice. All a part of the journey and experience of being a writer.

The session really cemented for me my reasons for wanting to become an author, as well as highlighting how important coaching is to my future writing career. Well recommended!

Ruth Doroba
Ruth Doroba

My experience, my discovery call, literally that's what it was.In life we all have an experience of looking at a living thing that is struggling for life, at the point of death, it could be a pet your rose garden or even a loved one, and it looks like all hope is lost and then suddenly there is a slight movement which brings a surge of hope, the panic is over life is restored. For me the near death experience was with my dream to write a book or should I say to put my thoughts on paper so that I can share with many people,but it was always in the near future, until I started feeling like the future had arrived and the page was still blank, and then came the call that revived my dream......she calls it a Discovery call, it is no longer a dream, that one call has so rejuvenated me that I know soon my thoughts will be in print, thank you Epi, it may be a rough ride but I know the driver will guide me till that dream is fully alive.....

Jamie L
Jamie L

Epi delivers a message of encouragement and motivation. Her ideas stress staying grounded in your principles but encourage achieving a greater success. We are all allowed success and we do deserve it. The main takeaway I get from Success Gravity is Epi wanting your genuine success in all areas of your life and gives you the tools to identify and capture your dreams.

Gertrude Nyirenda
Gertrude Nyirenda

Epi Mabika, my Publishing Consultant, without your intervention I would not have managed to complete this book. It’s been a life changing experience for me. You have a great work ethic & your standard of excellence is matchless! I still can’t believe you managed to push this book out of me in 90 days! Thank you!

Tatenda K
Tatenda K

Epi is an individual pulsating with an ardent desire and will to help others succeed in all spheres and facets of their lives.
Thus, if one desires to spread their wings and soar off into greater heights of success (as opposed to flying off into obscurity); and to remain fully grounded in rock solid principles, which, when worked, yield success (as opposed to being grounded in mediocrity), then, Epi’s may just prove to be a helpful ally in that noble endeavour...

Hello! I'm Epi Mabika, a book coach for aspiring authors & start-up entrepreneurs who want to establish their credibility to attract dream clients and build their Publishing Empire.