Success Quotes – Free E-Book



Quotes e-book coverI trust you had a great summer or preparing for a great one ahead- depending on what part of the world you are 🙂

This week, I am giving you a free gift with absolutely no strings attached! Trusting this to add value to your success journey as it is doing for the hundreds of people that have downloaded it already.

Yes, it’s finally here!!! Announcing the release of my new E-book “Success Quotes: 101 Epiphanies; 101 Philosophies; 250 Inspirations” by popular demand, to keep you fired up, spice up your conversations and bedazzle any audience during your presentations.

This e-book will give you the mojo to pursue your dreams, help you adopt healthier philosophies of life/business, and if you are an artist; writer; musician; poet; lyricist; preacher or avid learner, this ‘must have’ will prove a handy companion you will absolutely love! Thank me later. Enjoy and download now while it’s still FREE!!! (It has a $15 value)

Here is the Link to download the free e-book

Forward this email to at least 5 friends today because as you know, sharing is caring- don’t just keep the goodies to yourself 🙂

Lastly, if you haven’t done so already, like our Facebook Fanpage here to keep in touch with the latest information and offers, and to help grow our tribe so we can inspire more people on a global scale.

Make it an awesome day


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Hello! I'm Epi Mabika, a book coach for aspiring authors & start-up entrepreneurs who want to establish their credibility to attract dream clients and build their Publishing Empire.